Life in my 1929
Spanish Style Cottage is bittersweet.
I think about the
rockers on the porch and the people in them perhaps drinking lemonade and
sharing a plate of sugar cookies as they visited. I think about the fire in the
fireplace and the decorations that must have hung from it.
If you love perfect don't buy an old home. It's never going
to be perfect. And that's OK with me. My kitchen cabinets are the original from
1929. If I had $100 for every single time someone told me that I need to redo
the kitchen, I'd be on a vacation to England—maybe Paris too. I don't have a dishwasher. I wash the dishes
by hand and look out of the kitchen window and think about the children that
may have played in that backyard. Was there once a swing set?
If I could live in any era it would be the 1920's and 30's.
I've always been fascinated with the homes, the cars, the jewelry, and the
movies. Every last bit of it. One of my brothers friends in Los Angeles and had
a 1929 Roadster. I would ride in the rumble seat and eat cracker jacks. I
remember our neighbor Hazel had a vanity from 1930. She would let me sit there
and spray perfume on. While she told me stories of her dates and boyfriends and
I use to love how they gave her boxes of chocolates. I was born in the wrong
I don't carry the theme with what I wear. I'm usually found
in converse sneakers, jeans and a gingham blouse. But I do love vintage purses.
I spend a lot of time working in my garden. It calms me and feeds my soul. I love digging in the earth and reading through garden books. Some days I drive through the country and dig up a roadside plant, or two, to bring home (Sssh. Our secret).
In 1997 I entered a
design contest on a shopping channel and won. I designed a bracelet. I was on
for several segments by phone. They showed pictures. My sketches. The making
process of the piece. I don't think I told many people. Now you know.
Like this home, I am imperfect. I too have a vulnerability.
Its people who are ignorant and have preconceived notions about mental
disorders. What makes me vulnerable is ignorance. People and their preconceived
Several times a week, I receive messages asking if I ever
had a problem in my life—probably because my pictures are so light, and I act like
a goof ball.
Don’t be fooled. A lot is hidden behind a smile.
I'm an incest survivor from a very young age. We all have
our issues. We all have our problems. I'm not a victim. I'm a survivor. Each day
offers a new wall to climb over, and there are times I land on my butt, but eventually
I climb back up. It's the best I can do. It's all I can do.
As I work on this house, I am also working on me.
One never knows what or who is tucked behind that wall, or
in that lovely garden.
In this case, it’s me, Geneen.